Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Real Estate Agents and Consultants the Difference

Well-known professionals called the realtors for years have formed the foundation of the real estate industry. So much so that few people ever have to ask, what it is that the realtors do. As the industry evolves and grows, however, a newer profession has emerged, that is the real estate consultant. Contrary to what many people think, a consultant has a very different role from that of an agent. It is always better to understand the difference in their roles before opting to take their services. Though the two professions have some similarities, they have just as many differences.
The objectives of a consultant are much different from that of an actual agent. The agent has the main job of selling a Philadelphia condominium, and making a profit from the sale of that home. Because of this, the agent will have a slightly different approach to their dealings with a consumer. A consultant, on the other hand, does not have the objective of selling a Philadelphia condominium home. In fact, he is completely unbiased in the purchase or sale of a property. His primary concern is helping the consumer satisfy his needs in the real estate. There is no financial gain based on the sale of a home. Instead, profits are by the services offered.
When you work with a consultant, he might seem to be unbiased or even disinterested. It is the job of the consultant to be concerned about the real estate situation, but not necessarily about a specific outcome. To make an unbiased decision, he must be completely objective in the situation.


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